Our Branch Relief Society had their very first Visiting Teaching Conference on Friday night. Instruction and ideas were given on how to be a good visiting teacher to those in need of a friend and a kind word. New assignments were also given to everyone. A delicious meal was served; tortillas filled with shredded chicken,
refried beans and cheese, green salad, and a chocolate cake (pastel) that I made.

This is our branch R. S. Presidency:
Hermana's Ballestero,
Lilianna Rodriquez, and
Majorie Guitierrez
The presidency had prepared a booklet for each of the sisters. Here is
Hermana Jimenez (our Branch Presidents wife) and her daughter with
Ginette (one of our investigators who is also one of their relatives) seated in the middle.

It was a nice evening filled with good ideas and ways to help build feeling of sisterhood in our branch.
Sounds like it was a successful night. Your group is little but the women sound like they are very strong in the church. Hopefully the branch will grow...maybe that room will be filled with ladies next year? What do you think? ha...